God and Health: How the Two Relate

Jul 13

God and Health: How the Two Relate

God has a plan for all of us, and we should really be in our best shape if we want to make sure that plan can be executed. If God made us in his image, it’s unlikely he meant for us to be exhausted, overweight, and with bad posture.

But are these issues which are easy to fix? Once we have moved away from the original state of our temples, can the damage be fixed? Of course, it can, all it takes is faith, hard work and maybe a little help.

Those Extra Pounds


Willpower, my friends. Willpower is all you need here. Eat less, exercise more, and get closer to God. In my research, I’ve found one of the biggest culprits of weight gain, in both adults and children, are carbohydrates. In particular, simple sugars like those found in candy or likely the kind you may stir into your coffee.

These sugars have been modified from their original, natural state. In this simple form, the sugars are easily absorbed into the body and converted into fat, if not burned for energy first. Complex sugars, like those found in plants and such, before refining, are more complex. The body takes more time to break them down, meaning it has time to burn them before absorbing them.

When looking at this, it’s easy to see the glory of God in everything in nature.

Standing Up Straight

So many of the physical pains in our life can be attributed to our backs. Poor posture can lead to lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain and even pain in other parts of the body due to the stresses required to compensate. The big question is, “Why are you slouching?”

Are you depressed and feeling alone? Do you spend too much time sitting? Do you need to find time to get closer to God? These are questions only you can answer, but once you do you’ll have taken the first step toward correcting your posture.

Once you’ve determined the cause, the next step is to fix it. Some conditions may need a help, perhaps even something such as a posture-correcting brace like those from Perfect Postur. Others can simply require a change of habit. Forcing yourself to sit up straight and keep your back in a proper position while walking can make all the difference in the world.

Your Mental State

If you’re feeling depressed, it’s going to be hard to feel the desire to spread the word of God. God is always with you, even in your saddest times, so you can take some solace in that. Should more be required of you, keep in mind that mental health is just as important as physical health, and there are doctors for that, as well. In fact, most insurance packages will cover a visit to a psychiatrist, should that be something you desire.

Additionally, prayer is a good fix for issues like this. Communicating with our Heavenly Father, knowing he can hear you, is a great way to lift the spirits and get your smiling again.

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Helping A Friend In Need

May 08

Having friends means being there to enjoy the good times and support them in trying times. Helping a friend in need is one of the kindest acts of generosity you can give to another person. Letting your friend know they are not alone and do not have to bear the brunt of their burdens by themselves can help make stressful situations less taxing and frightening. There are many ways you can help a friend in need and many of them are simple, take just a few minutes and can make a real difference to your friend without causing a hardship on you.

Say A Prayer On Your Friend’s Behalf

Offer a prayer of support and care for your friend. If your friend is a person of faith, offer to pray with them. Sharing prayer can help strengthen your bond and affirm your faith. Often after spending time in prayer, people feel renewed and have a sense of hope. If your friend is not a person of faith, offer prayers on their behalf. If you are a member of a church, place your friend’s name on your prayer list and let the power of prayer uplift your friend in their time of need.

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Finding Jesus

May 08

Finding Jesus

It isn’t always easy to find your path, especially when you don’t know exactly what it is you are looking for. If you need the perfect example of that, you can consider my story. I was someone who was lost on the path of life, not knowing quite where to look. But after finding Jesus, I was able to get on the path that led me to a road of glory that has now changed my life.

Throughout my life, I never had the right direction or understanding of where to go. Because of this, I often found myself in places that I was uncomfortable with, and that I knew I shouldn’t have been in. I guess you could say that I ran with the wrong circles, which resulted in me making plenty or wrong decisions. Those decisions hurt everyone around me, even though at the time I didn’t realize it.

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